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Functions to compute weighted tables or summaries, based on a vector of frequency weights. These are reimplementations of various existing functions, adapted to objects of class "declared" (see Details below)


w_IQR(x, wt = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, ...)

w_fivenum(x, wt = NULL, na.rm = FALSE)

w_mean(x, wt = NULL, trim = 0, na.rm = TRUE)

w_median(x, wt = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, ...)

w_mode(x, wt = NULL)

w_quantile(x, wt = NULL, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25), na.rm = TRUE, ...)

w_sd(x, wt = NULL, method = NULL, na.rm = TRUE)

w_standardize(x, wt = NULL, na.rm = TRUE)

w_summary(x, wt = NULL, ...)

  y = NULL,
  wt = NULL,
  values = FALSE,
  valid = TRUE,
  observed = TRUE,
  margin = NULL,
  vlabel = FALSE

w_var(x, wt = NULL, method = NULL, na.rm = TRUE)



A numeric vector for summaries, or declared / factor for frequency tables


A numeric vector of frequency weights


Logical, should the empty missing values be removed?


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


A fraction (0 to 0.5) of observations to be trimmed from each end of x before the mean is computed. Values of trim outside that range are taken as the nearest endpoint.


Numeric vector of probabilities with values in [0,1]


Character, specifying how the result is scaled, see 'Details' below.


An optional variable, to create crosstabs; must have the same length as x


Logical, print the values in the table rows


Logical, print separate percent distribution for valid values, if any missing values are present; for cross tables, use valid values only


Logical, print the observed categories only


Numeric, indicating the margin to calculate crosstab proportions: 0 from the total, 1 from row totals and 2 from column totals


Logical, print the variable label, if existing


A vector of (weighted) values.


Weighted summaries

A frequency table is usually performed for a categorical variable, displaying the frequencies of the respective categories. Note that general variables containing text are not necessarily factors, despite having a small number of characters.

A general table of frequencies, using the base function table(), ignores the defined missing values (which are all stored as NAs). The reimplementation of this function in w_table() takes care of this detail, and presents frequencies for each separately defined missing values. Similar reimplementations for the other functions have the same underlying objective.

It is also possible to perform a frequency table for numerical variables, if the number of values is limited (an arbitrary and debatable upper limit of 15 is used). An example of such variable can be the number of children, where each value can be interpreted as a class, containing a single value (for instance 0 meaning the category of people with no children).

Objects of class declared are not pure categorical variables (R factors) but they are nevertheless interpreted as if they were factors, to allow producing frequency tables. Given the high similarity with package haven, objects of class haven_labelled_spss are automatically coerced to objects of class declared and treated accordingly.

The argument values makes sense only when the input is of family class declared, otherwise for regular (base R) factors the values are just a sequence of numbers.

The later introduced argument observed is useful in situations when a variable has a very large number of potential values, and a smaller subset of actually observed ones. As an example, the variable “Occupation” has hundreds of possible values in the ISCO08 codelist, and not all of them might be actually observed. When activated, this argument restricts the printed frequency table to the subset of observed values only.

The argument method can be one of "unbiased" or "ML".

When this is set to "unbiased", the result is an unbiased estimate using Bessel's correction. When this is set to "ML", the result is the maximum likelihood estimate for a Gaussian distribution.

The argument wt refers only to frequency weights. Users should be aware of the differences between frequency weights, analytic weights, probability weights, design weights, post-stratification weights etc. For purposes of inferential testing, Thomas Lumley's package survey should be employed.

If no frequency weights are provided, the result is identical to the corresponding base functions.

The function w_quantile() extensively borrowed ideas from packages stats and Hmisc, to ensure a constant interpolation that would produce the same quantiles if no weights are provided or if all weights are equal to 1.

Other arguments can be passed to the stats function quantile() via the three dots ... argument, and their extensive explanation is found in the corresponding stats function's help page.

For all functions, the argument na.rm refers to the empty missing values and its default is set to TRUE. The declared missing values are automatically eliminated from the summary statistics, even if this argument is deactivated.

The function w_mode() returns the weighted mode of a variable. Unlike the other functions where the prefix w_ signals a weighted version of the base function with the same name, this has nothing to do with the base function mode() which refers to the storage mode / type of an R object.


Adrian Dusa



# a pure categorical variable
x <- factor(sample(letters[1:5], 215, replace = TRUE))
#>   fre    rel   per   cpd
#>   ----------------------
#> a  37  0.172  17.2  17.2 
#> b  45  0.209  20.9  38.1 
#> c  43  0.200  20.0  58.1 
#> d  44  0.205  20.5  78.6 
#> e  46  0.214  21.4 100.0 
#>   ----------------------
#>   215  1.000 100.0

# simulate number of children
x <- sample(0:4, 215, replace = TRUE)
#>   fre    rel   per   cpd
#>   ----------------------
#> 0  36  0.167  16.7  16.7 
#> 1  41  0.191  19.1  35.8 
#> 2  49  0.228  22.8  58.6 
#> 3  45  0.209  20.9  79.5 
#> 4  44  0.205  20.5 100.0 
#>   ----------------------
#>   215  1.000 100.0

# simulate a Likert type response scale from 1 to 7
values <- sample(c(1:7, -91), 215, replace = TRUE)
x <- declared(values, labels = c("Good" = 1, "Bad" = 7))
#>      fre    rel   per   cpd
#>      ----------------------
#>  -91  16  0.074   7.4   7.4 
#> Good  25  0.116  11.6  19.1 
#>    2  25  0.116  11.6  30.7 
#>    3  32  0.149  14.9  45.6 
#>    4  37  0.172  17.2  62.8 
#>    5  24  0.112  11.2  74.0 
#>    6  21  0.098   9.8  83.7 
#>  Bad  35  0.163  16.3 100.0 
#>      ----------------------
#>      215  1.000 100.0

# Defining missing values
missing_values(x) <- -91
#>      fre    rel   per   vld   cpd
#>      ----------------------------
#> Good  25  0.116  11.6  12.6  12.6 
#>    2  25  0.116  11.6  12.6  25.1 
#>    3  32  0.149  14.9  16.1  41.2 
#>    4  37  0.172  17.2  18.6  59.8 
#>    5  24  0.112  11.2  12.1  71.9 
#>    6  21  0.098   9.8  10.6  82.4 
#>  Bad  35  0.163  16.3  17.6 100.0 
#> ----
#>  -91  16  0.074   7.4 
#>      ----------------------------
#>      215  1.000 100.0

# Defined missing values with labels
values <- sample(c(1:7, -91, NA), 215, replace = TRUE)
x <- declared(
    labels = c("Good" = 1, "Bad" = 7, "Don't know" = -91),
    na_values = -91

#>            fre    rel   per   vld   cpd
#>            ----------------------------
#>       Good  20  0.093   9.3  12.0  12.0 
#>          2  33  0.153  15.3  19.9  31.9 
#>          3  27  0.126  12.6  16.3  48.2 
#>          4  27  0.126  12.6  16.3  64.5 
#>          5  22  0.102  10.2  13.3  77.7 
#>          6  22  0.102  10.2  13.3  91.0 
#>        Bad  15  0.070   7.0   9.0 100.0 
#>      -----
#> Don't know  24  0.112  11.2 
#>         NA  25  0.116  11.6 
#>            ----------------------------
#>            215  1.000 100.0

# Including the values in the table of frequencies
w_table(x, values = TRUE)
#>                fre    rel   per   vld   cpd
#>                ----------------------------
#>       Good   1  20  0.093   9.3  12.0  12.0 
#>          2   2  33  0.153  15.3  19.9  31.9 
#>          3   3  27  0.126  12.6  16.3  48.2 
#>          4   4  27  0.126  12.6  16.3  64.5 
#>          5   5  22  0.102  10.2  13.3  77.7 
#>          6   6  22  0.102  10.2  13.3  91.0 
#>        Bad   7  15  0.070   7.0   9.0 100.0 
#>          -----
#> Don't know -91  24  0.112  11.2 
#>             NA  25  0.116  11.6 
#>                ----------------------------
#>                215  1.000 100.0

# An example involving multiple variables
DF <- data.frame(
    Area = declared(
        sample(1:2, 215, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.45, 0.55)),
        labels = c(Rural = 1, Urban = 2)
    Gender = declared(
        sample(1:2, 215, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.55, 0.45)),
        labels = c(Males = 1, Females = 2)
    Age = sample(18:90, 215, replace = TRUE),
    Children = sample(0:5, 215, replace = TRUE)

#>         fre    rel   per   cpd
#>         ----------------------
#>   Males 119  0.553  55.3  55.3 
#> Females  96  0.447  44.7 100.0 
#>         ----------------------
#>         215  1.000 100.0

#> [1] 20.19372

# Weighting: observed proportions
op <- proportions(with(DF, table(Gender, Area)))

# Theoretical proportions: 53% Rural, and 50.2% Females
tp <- rep(c(0.53, 0.47), each = 2) * rep(c(0.498, 0.502), 2)

# Corrections by strata
fweights <- tp / op

DF$fweight <- fweights[match(10 * DF$Area + DF$Gender, c(11, 12, 21, 22))]

with(DF, w_table(Gender, wt = fweight))
#>         fre    rel   per   cpd
#>         ----------------------
#>   Males 107  0.498  49.8  49.8 
#> Females 108  0.502  50.2 100.0 
#>         ----------------------
#>         215  1.000 100.0

with(DF, w_mean(Age, wt = fweight))
#> [1] 55.12584

with(DF, w_quantile(Age, wt = fweight))
#>   0%   25%  50%  75% 100%
#>   18   38   55   71   90 